COERR Mae Sot and the refugee peace committee organized the Community Bonding Training and relating activities for vulnerable refugees and COERR camp-based refugee staff in Ban Mae La, Ban Umpiem and Ban Nupo camps in July 2017. A highlight of the Community Bonding Training is to focus on the Self Value promotion in which refugee participants were convinced of their Self Value, Self Confidence, Leadership, Community participation, etc., based on their capability to adjust themselves well in current situation and to prepare for any changes that may occur in the future.
At Ban Umpiem, the training focusing on Dialogue with the elderly EVIs in which elderly have strengthened their relationship among themselves and with their hometown by drawing the map of their village and telling the story concerning tradition and culture of the communities in which they used to live.

Community bonding activity focusing on “Self-value” was organized for 33 EVI & Camp Based Refugee Staff in Umpiem camp on July 12, 2017

At Ban Umpiem, the training focusing on Dialogue with the elderly EVIs on July 21, 2017

Traditional herbal compressed ball for traditional message as part of the elderly activity was held on July 14 had 30 Umpiem participants
Community Bonding at Ban Nupo was about living together in Peace and Reconciliation while Self Value is convinced in order to make life meaningful and with dignity.

Community-bonding for Nupo camp’s EVI and camp-based refugee staff (CBRS) on the topic of conflict resolution and living together in harmony, was organized on July 17, had 25 participants

Community – bonding for EVI and CBRS on 19 July on the topic of “Dialogue for refugee” preparation for future situation, held at Nupo Camp had 35 participants (F : 24, M : 11)
Mae La Refugee Peace Committee organized Community Bonding Training focusing on refugees’ self value”, self-confidence, capability, leadership, imagination, and ability to get along well with others. All these contents will help learners to understand how to become a valued person. In Mae La, elderly also attended the cultural activity in which they were gathering to make cultural performance, drink soy milk for health, learn about beansprout making and dish washing liquid. Each participant take a bottle of dish washing liquid back home for household consumption while the surplus products from these activities will be given to other poor and vulnerable villagers. The skills will enable them to produce for their own or for income generation.

Community – Bonding for EVI & CBRS on Self-Value on July 11, 2017 at Mae La Camp – COERR Social Service Center Zone B had 80 participants (M: 14, F: 66).

Community – Bonding on Self Value for EVIs and COERR camp based refugee staff, was held at COERR Social Service Center Zone A, Mae La camp, on July 12, 2017. There were 80 participants: 20 male and 60 female.

The cultural activity offering the bean sprout growing for 45 refugees : 25 women and 20 men, was organized on July14, 2017 to enable refugees to learn how to grow beansprout for their supplemental food, to give the product surplus to other poor and to acquire skills in cultivation for future livelihood

Washing Liquid Making was organized in Mae La for 20 elderly: 7 male and 13 female, on July 20, 2017

Another washing liquid training session for 20 elderly in Ban Mae La camp was organized on July 24, 2017 |